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If you want to stand out from the crowd and STRETCH YOURSELF to go above and beyond what you learn in lessons.. then on this website you can find lots of different ways to extend and enrich your learning- both subject specific and BEYOND!
This website is created & managed by the Parkstone SWAT CHALLENGE AMBASSADORS
How to stretch yourself in
Games introducing Cyber Security
Places to visit
CraignDave have a video for every aspect of the course
In School Opportunities
Tuesday Lunch in CS1:
Code Club is aimed at giving support to GCSE and A Level students with programming.
You could also contribute to the "Monthly Byte" magazine!
Extended Reading
9 algorithms that changed the future
The code book, Simon Singh
Weapons of Math Destruction
Introduction to algorithms, Thomas. H Cormen
Have a go read of the various articles on the website w3schools:
to learn more about different programming languages
Practice and learn more about your coding with program wiz:
Enrichment on the web
Isaac Computer Science: A free learning platform for A level Computer Science.
Computer Science for Fun: "Explore how computer science is also about people, solving puzzles, creativity, changing the future and, most of all, having fun."
BBC bitesize: Check your understand of coursework in an subject with BBC bitesize
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